Monday, 24 January 2011

graduating with honours

Starting with a film on a Friday is how most of my weekends kick off (this, a gin and maybe a takeaway is in fact how most of my nights at 9pm kick off!) Yes I am 24 and yes maybe a little old before my time but since lovefilm entered my life (for the second time), I have been obsessed with watching as many new films as possible. Encouraged by a colleague who set himself the task of watching 50 film in 20 days.

So with his magic 200 must see movies and several discussion around me not seeing all the classics (after studying film for 3 years at uni), back to the future, Star wars and a like ... I have my list!

Friday I watched the slightly quirky but not so great Alice in Wonderland. The amazing Scottish rabbit, shisha smoking caterpillar and cheshire cat smashed it! Alice, Twiddle Dumb and Dee, PAH! And totally in the wrong, but in all the right ways, I found Johnny Depp super attractive. But fitties aside, I just could not get in to it.

Last night, well firstly I have to thanks to my friend Cath for suggesting it as I loved everything about The Graduate!!!
Yum it was beautiful. It is a must see on everyone's list. From how its shot, to a very handsomely young Dustman Hoffman, the music the colours, everything takes you on this sexual journey to a beautiful ending.

So here's to you Mrs Robinson ...

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